Eastlyn Answer's Blogger.com's Random Questions

And you can too! leave your answers to these wacky questions in the comments section.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

wow! this question poses so many problems. first of all if i had a marshmellow to be toasted why wouldn't i make the dragon bow down and toast the marshmellow before killing him? i think this was HARDLY a successful slaying of a dragon. second of all, what makes it succesful? i'm a vegetarian so i don't believe in killing animals. that poor dragon probably didnt do anything to deserve such a harsh punishment. thirdly, being a vegetarian i dont eat marshmellows so what is the purpose of even toasting the marshmellow? they have gelatin which is made form dead animals, eww. althoug i suppose if i had slain a dragon, i dont care too much about the genocidic slaying of innocent animals, so the gelatin thing wouldnt bother me.

ok, after "successfully" murdering a dragon, how would i toast a marshmellow?
this one is so freaking easy. meagan and i were almost in this exact same situation once. what you do is grab some logs, put them in the fire pit. take a full box of matches and scraps of paper from your purse. lighting the paper then placing them under the logs will cause the bark on the logs to burn. this causes smoke which makes people (particularly boys) walk over to your campsite, or dragon slaying grounds or whatever. the boys will see that you are just a helpless young girl who doesnt even know how to start a fire and they will bring you back a truck full of wood, boys and weiner sticks, or marshmellow sticks. they will build your fire for you (chopping the wood, finding sticks, lighting it, etc) AND cook the marshmellow for you!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Random Question # 1: You forgot your mom's birthday! what can you make out of super glue and olive pits?

wow, that first sentance and that question seem totally unrelated. its like blogger is trying to confuse me. hey you forgot your moms birthday! and then you think "omg?!? when was my mom's birthday!" and then BAM! "quick what can you make out of super glue and olive pits?" your so distracted about the mom thing you cant think clearly about how talented you are at olive pit art.

ok i think the answer to this is obvious. cover and olive pit in glue, stick it up you nose. go to the hospital and when they put you in the damn waiting room for 45 hours grab your mom a nice birthday present, a magazine, a face mask, one of those banana shaped things old people pee into, a scalpel, you know, the useful crap that you would want if roles were reversed.... oh man those slippers that the doctors wear. those are sweet. OR ditch the waiting room and go steal some flowers. people in hospitals get flowers all of the time! if you took one flower from every vase in there no one would even notice and you would have yourself a pretty sweet bouquet of flowers!

another option would be to do the olive pit glued up the nose thing again but this time, stick it so far up that they have to amputate. then your mom will come andvisit you in the hospital and bring YOU flowers. she will be so worried about you and your current mental state that she won't even notice you forgot her birthday.